Coping With the Cosmic Deep Dive of Saturn to Pluto ~ 09 Jan 2020

We are three days away from one of many cluster fluxing major aspects that occur during the tide turning celestial patterns of 2020. The Sun, the most huge solar system object, Ceres, an exceedingly potent dwarf planet, Saturn, the significantly stunning gaseous giant, and Pluto, the formidable transformer come together at the same degree of Capricorn. And for good measure, these are in a virtual square with the dwarf planet that got Pluto kicked out of the planetary country club: Eris!

Other than getting a consultation (which you can certainly do, links below) to aid in navigating the hidden obstacles in the River Styx, or any other strait of life here are some tips for a deep dive in understanding and dealing with the conjunctions:


> Know your assets. Clearly establish a sense of your authenticity. Know the unshakable value of your worth.

> In any circumstance, do your best to shine brightly and fill ever corner, nook and cranny or hidden crevasses of any room or environment you encounter.

> For every obstacle, determine, figure and only communicate solutions.

> Enact absolute optimism within your confidence.


> Remember you are your own personal best advocate.

> Establish and define all causes and agendas you intend to carry as your banner.

> Battle all adversaries directly, with fairness and empathy, and within social appropriateness and legal parameters.

> Know the distinction between fights and battles. Figure which are worth engaging and those not worth engaging.

> Issue no ultimatums you are not prepared to immediately enforce.

> Clearly align thoughts and psyche with your karmic campaigns and ensure every action taken propagates progress and clearly contributes to those causes.


> Define and declare all real world objectives.

> Determine and refine any and all personal characteristics that aid in achieving declared objectives.

> Commit to regular and healthy sleeping, eating and exercising campaigns - physical and spiritual.

> Perceive yourself as the compass-holder and the person at the helm holding the course toward all objectives.

> Create daily rituals and actions apply packets of committed attention to accomplishing your goals... each and every day without fail.

> Define and assess obstacles encountered. Then apply your skills and creative attributes, compile and execute effective solution-based scenarios without hesitation.

> If need be, for peace of mind, address all “what-if” eventuality scenarios. Create adequate preparedness. Stay in the present to accommodate all challenges at hand.


> Make peace with your aspirations so that you can let them become as huge as they intend to become. Limit your reach in no way.

> Recognize your passion for your dharma does not seek to corrupt or contaminate any part of your spirit.

> Commit to living each day fully... with limitless abandon... full of unlimited energy, effort and consciousness.

> Keep in mind the one thing you always control is your reaction to any situation, event or interaction. With reactions that serve your soulful agenda, all tends to go better and on the highest road possible!

> Consider that life is predicated by the intention behind every interaction, activity or effort. Purge your intent to align with the passion of your soul!

Now since all these players square Eris in Aries - one of the many aspects constituting tripping hazards and stepping stones of 2020, here are a few additional tips:

> Cull your involvement in activities, organizations and commitments that do not fully serve your purpose(s) of incarnation.

> Regulate your involvement in social media activities. Ensure every post is intelligent, full of intention and cosmic in nature, no matter how banal or mundane.

> Restrict access to your energy by those who waste time or usurp your creative vitality.

> Locate and seek out ways to access the inner circle of all circumstances that you perceive benefit your cosmic causes.

> Tithe a modicum energy and wisdom to those who are seen as downtrodden, but who would respond with enthusiasm and gratitude.

Okay, go get ‘em Cosmic Cowgirls and Cowboys. Enjoy this alignment with a front row, engaged position. There’s an abundance of planetary productivity and celestial inspiration that requires well-intended wrangling. Once you wrangle it to your liking, remember to brand it! They say branding is how things go viral safely!

Remember to be a beacon of reason and cosmic rationality in these times. When confronted by polarized, argumentative sorts, work your dangdest to demonstrate the importance of understanding paradox and contradiction... maybe define the rules of the game for the Universal Inclusiveness Theory... you know, we’re all in this on Earth together... something that will delight Eris throughout the year!

Stay tuned. More to come.